Sunday, December 6, 2009

Trans Siberian Beijing – Ulaanbaatar

It is currently 10:00 pm November 17, 2009. Jimmy and I are in berth 5 of train compartment II of train car 3 of a train headed north to Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. We boarded this train at 7:15 am and embarked on our journey a half hour later. Our journey within a journey – our journey throughout China, which lasted longer, than expected, is over – we traveled much of the county and saw both big cities and rural towns, nature and pollution. We also spent time with my mom and John. I miss mom, Martha and Mags right now – in the next compartment over, number II, a family of six has settled themselves in the four-berth cabin and the children are laughing – loud! They sounds so full of life and happiness, other than that the train car is mostly quiet, except for the noise coming from outside, as they are changing the wheels of our train over to the Mongolian size gauge. A process that occurs every Tuesday and Wednesday and is suppose to “protect” the country from foreign invaders, silly now when places could be taken out in minutes from the air. Just now Jimmy talks about resources being devoted towards the “war on terror” contributing to the financial crisis as stated in the book In the Fed We Trust which he has been reading for the last couple of hours on the iPhone. Crazy world we live in sometimes. The train is empty – the family of six and the woman in our cabin and that is it. Our roommate is about 40-45 I would say, has a large what I would assume to be Mongolian face – no eyebrows only tattoos, black curly hair and she was dressed in all black, leather boots, black pants, black fur coat and when we entered the car she dominated the space with her very large figure. She quickly changed into her “train attire,” baby blue thermal pants and top, green capri stretch pants, a red sweater and a large wool scarf rapped around her stomach. Quickly after we got on board we fell asleep and slept until around noon – with occasional bathroom breaks for me – my lame coffee made me have to pee. The western toilet was a little scary looking at first, it looked dirty but it was just really really old. Our roommate fell asleep to – it was early and freezing in the train, everyone was immediately under the covers, where were of little help. Jimmy and I had to cuddle close to stay warm. But eventually we had to move around – we readjusted ourselves and made some hot tea. We then decided to watch a TV show we downloaded in preparation for the trip – One Tree Hill. After two episodes it was time to go exploring. We walked through a cabin that looked like our but a little nicer and then! Through two cabin cars that were amazing – dark wood paneling, only two beds in each, with a chair, totally first class. Then we came to the dining car, which was also nicer than the others we had had in China. After a coke and a Heineken we ventured back to our cabin for some lunch from the snacks we brought for our ride – we had aunts on a log, gold fish, and some weak banana bread – nothing like Kitty’s back home – we love and miss you! After lunch we played cards, Spades, Jimmy won, he actually is pretty good and then reading and a little nap. Oh ya and by the way our roommate slept this whole time. When I woke up it was 5:15 pm – our roommate was up and staring at Jimmy like a juicy steak. I picked up the kindle and began to read deciding not to wake Jimmy and frighten him and I guess let our roommate continue her feast she looked so happy. The attendant brought customs forms, which we filled out when Jimmy woke up and then around 7 we went back to the dinning car for dinner. Our last meal in China was chicken, green peppers and onions sautéed in a sauce that tasted like nothing more that slat, and a small bowl of rice. After dinner we played several games of cards which Jimmy won at spades again and I won at gin, then we were asked to leave because they were “closing” which in China means its time for the crew to party. We went back to our cabin and decided to watch one of our movies “Just Married” about a couple on their honeymoon and the struggles they go through traveling together – they only new each other a year before they got married, even though Jimmy and I have been together for eight years now, some things about traveling can put a toll on the relationship – Jimmy’s good to me and knows that look I give him that’s its to dirty and to make sure he wears his shoes everywhere and at all times J. Halfway through the movie we stopped and the customs officials came on board and got our passports – then they took them – we weren’t to worried until the train stated to move again and we were passport less – the train attendants assured us the officials were on board with us – probably drinking in the dinning car – anyway we went a short distance to the place where they change the wheels and here we are. Shortly there after we got our passports back, got off the train and bought some water and then it was back on to go back to sleep. We got to Ulaanbaatar the next day in the afternoon and it was -15 outside! We were really in Mongolia.


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