Monday, September 21, 2009

Adelaide & The Novaks

Adelaide and the Novak’s

Our next stop in Australia was Adelaide. While Adelaide was smaller than both Sydney and Melbourne, it boasted three features that drew us farther south, where it was even colder. First Adelaide is the beginning of the Ghan rail line that runs from southern Australia to the very northern city of Darwin. Australia is a country of immense size and barrenness and Jimmy and I felt the only way to truly experience the outback of Australia was to travel across it and see it – so we booked our tickets on the Ghan and traveled to Adelaide to start our journey. A second reason for traveling to Adelaide was because it was the home of long time friends, the Novak’s, who moved to Australia six year ago. Scott and Jimmy were inseparable bike riders back in the day and it was good to see each other and catch up. The third and final highlight of the city of Adelaide is its wine, while we didn’t have time to tour any vineyards we did sample the local wine and it was quite good. Overall our trip to Adelaide was filled with the warmth of friendship and good wine and a good send off of our last city we would see in awhile as we soon embarked on our adventure to the outback.


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